Pharmacy Sales

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Please note that Green and Red blood tubes we previously sent out have now expired. Please check your stock (expiry dates), if needed order Yellow blood tubes, as they are now back in stock. If you have any questions, please call us at 020 7138 3718.

‘Sales Training’ sounds pretty offputting, doesn’t it? Being a salesperson isn’t something you signed up for, nor do we think you need to be! Instead, we’d like you to think of this as a simple introduction to blood testing. Sharing the knowledge, if you will.

To ensure that you feel confident about our services, we've put together a short film with a few top tips on approaching conver sations. Blood tests are amazing; they help people to live longer, healthier and happier lives. After watching these short videos, you should feel ready to start recommending tests and helping your customers take charge of their health