Check your progesterone levels.
There are many reasons which testing your progesterone levels are useful for, but if you have any questions about fertility, finding out if you are ovulating is ground zero.
If you have ovulated there will be a big spike in your progesterone level at about 21 days into your cycle - or if irregular, 7 days before period due.
This test conveniently works with a finger-prick home sample or with a phlebotomy sample at any of our nationwide locations.
Analysis of progesterone levels shows a large spike in the latter half of your cycle if successful ovulation has occurred. If you have regular periods it needs to be taken about 21 days after the first day of your last period. If you have an irregular cycle then test at 7 days before your next period.
A result of 30-65.5 nmol/L will confirm that you have ovulated.
Along with confirming ovulation if taken at about day 21 of your cycle there are many other reasons for checking your progesterone levels.
These include monitoring levels throughout pregnancy to check for risk of miscarriage, checking for polycystic ovarian syndrome.
This test works equally well as a finger prick home test as with a phlebotomy sample.
Hormones are biochemical substances produced by various glands in the body, forming a part of the endocrine system. They are secreted directly into the bloodstream and travel to specific organs or tissues where they exert their effects.
Hormones act as chemical messengers and play a crucial role in regulating many physiological processes in the body.
Laboratory results are provided with reference ranges which are based on the normal test results of a large group of healthy people from the same age group and gender as yourself.
Sometimes, healthy people get results outside the reference range, while people with health problems can have results in the normal range. If your results fall outside the reference range, or if you have symptoms despite a normal result, you may require more testing or wish to discuss the result with your GP.
For simplicity, we provided your results graphically, so they are easy to understand. Any result flagged amber is outside of the standard range. Normal results are in green.
If you see ‘invalid result’ on any of your report pages, it’s nothing to worry about. Please call our Customer Service team on 020 7183 3718 and if required we will be able to arrange another blood test appointment free of charge or post you a home testing kit which you can post back to our laboratory
Our team of physicians is made up of some of the best in the field, including consultant pathologists, microbiologists, biochemists, haematologists and general practitioners who work together to provide you with a clear picture of your current health. High ethical standards and a commitment to excellence are at the heart of their work at London Medical Laboratory.